Friday, December 9, 2011

Contest Three, Happy Holidays!

I just ran a contest on my page. To enter it you had to post a favorite holiday memory of yours. The winner was chosen at random and since I love giving out free stuff I chose two winners instead of just one!
Here are the entries stories below:
"Last year listening to my future step daughter (she just turned 10), trying to convince my son (who was only 6 months at time) to cry to get mommy and daddy up so "they" could open presents...mind you it was 530 in the morning. it was the cutest thing with the "conversation" I've ever heard!!!"
"My favorite christmas memory is very short and simple...waking up last christmas morning, looking in the crib at my son's beautiful face and wishing him his very 1st Merry Christmas! ♥"
"My favorite holiday memory was the first Christmas my husband and I spent together (dating at the time of course). Buying our first ornament together and hanging it on our tree was such a great memory. I'm so sad we won't be spending this Christmas together, but he'll be in my thoughts as well as our sons' thoughts this holiday season. ♥"
"my favorite memory would have to be last christmas. hailey was so excited about opening presents.. she loved it so much, that we had to hide other peoples presents because she would open them, thinking they were for her.
actually, i have two favorites. years ago, waking up at 4a.m. to open presents because my mom was in labor with my little brother, what a christmas :)"
"When I was a child I would always wait up so I could meet Santa. But I always ended up falling asleep. This year my mom reminded me that I would do this year after year. Santa also showed up at my house veryyyy late, as he waited for me to fall asleep. Out of all my siblings, I was the last to go to bed and the first to rise in the morning. I had my first child this year, and I can only hope he's just as excited for Christmas as I was! I'm excited to start traditions and make lots of memories with my little man! =) "
" As a child Christmas ment the world to me. So the year I wasn't sure that Santa existed was the year we built our house. The house wasn't done yet but the rugs were just put in.... I woke up in the morning and found Santas boot prints all around the tree and down the hallway to where my room was going to be. As I followed the bootmarks all I could think about was how MAD my mom was gonna be cause ...Santa didn't take his boots off and I knew for sure Santa was real cause there was no way mom would allow this to happen. I walked into my room and he set up my new bedroom set..... Mom woke up and boy was she mad.... My step dad went outside for a cig and yelled to me...I looked up on the roof and there was sled and Santas deer prints!!!! I had no doughts after that!"
"Spending time with my grandparents everyone got together there was 28 grand childeren then needless to say there was a hosue full
Really miss those's days not many left anymore and no one gets together like they did back then how sad :("
" My favorite Holiday Memories are singing Christmas carols. There are two times that stick in my head one is singing on Christmas Day at Gramas house with Tina Talbot, Marcia Frasier, Donna Staves (Talbot) and Lisa Moxham. We each picked a to sing and I still remember that the one Marcia sang (Winter Wonderland) was my favorite. Another Christmas Carols memory is sitting at home around the kitchen table with print-outs of Christmas songs and mom and Butch signing with Lisa and I. I think I love to sing carols with my kids because of these memories."
"Another one I have is when my mom let us decorate ourselves and we decorated every tree outside with green, gold and silver garland! It must have looked horrible but she left it."
The winners are Leah Meyer and Brooke Whitney!!
Thank you to everyone that entered. I LOVED hearing the stories!! This is such as special time of year and I hope everyone has a great Christmas and Happy New Year!
Congrats to the winners:)

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Family Fun

My husband and I and our three kids went down to Virginia to visit family for Thanksgiving. While I was down there my sister in law asked me to take some pictures of her kids for Christmas. The pictures came out really nice!

Here are some of them below:

Love this one:)

One of my favs!

Nice family picture:)

So cute!

One of my fav dogs ever!

So sweet!

I absolutely love this picture!!

I love this picture too:)

All of the cousins:)

We had a great time!

I hope everyone else had a great Thanksgiving as well:)

Baby Tucker

This photoshoot was of a friends newborn baby. His name was Tucker and he was four days old when these were taken! He was such a sweet baby and sooo adorable!

Here are a couple of pictures from the photoshoot:)

So sweet:)

Love this picture!

He looks so little:)

So tiny!


One of my favs!!

This was a great photoshoot. Tucker is so adorable, the pictures came out awesome:)

Kendall, Darrell and Zaeda, Contest winners:).

This was a photoshoot of the winners of the second contest that I did. They were a great family to work with and Zaeda is absolutely adorable!! The weather was nice and the pictures turned out awesome!!

Here are some of them below:

So sweet:)

Love this one!

and this one:)

One of my favs!

Love this one:)

another one of my favs!

So cute!

Love this one too:)

Cute couple:)

She's so sweet:)

This was a really fun photoshoot!! They were a great family to work with and I really had a nice time:)

If you would like to find out how to win a free photoshoot and photo package yourself,
 "like" my facebook page under NLB Photography and watch out for contest information:)

Holiday Party Fun!

I decided to have a Shutterfly Holiday Card Party! I invited a bunch of people over and we had a picture taking party:) Each person/family that came received 15 free holiday cards and a free wall calendar along with a free photo shoot. It was a nice turn out and the pictures came out awesome!

Here are a couple from the day:)

He was such a cute little baby:)

He slept through most of the pictures!

Love this one, he is so tiny he fits inside of the Christmas stocking!

My friend and her parents:)

So pretty:)

Love this one of them:)

My little man:)

Love this picture, she was so sweet:)

Mommy and daughter, so sweet:)

It was a great party and I had a good turn out!

Thank you to everyone that came, I hope you had fun:)

The DeBoer Family

This was a great photo shoot! The two little boys are absolutely adorable and I loved watching them chase around their cute little puppy! The weather was pretty nice and we were able to get some really nice shots.

Here are a couple from the day:)

Trent with the puppy, so sweet:)

Love this one of both of the boys:)

Nick and the puupy so cute!


love this one:)

Great family shot! Love this one:)

This was a great family who were very easy to work with:)

Friday, December 2, 2011

Crystal and Al's Wedding

Crystal and Al got married on November 11, 2011 at 11:11 in the morning! It was a beautiful ceremony and reception done at the Holiday Inn. The weather was chilly so we didn't get to go outside much but we did manage to sneak out for a couple of pics!

Here are some pictures from the day:)

This one came out great! It was right before we went down to the ceremony

The bride with her dad:)

Such a sweet couple!

The bride with her daughter:)

Love this one!

First dance:)

Congrats to the happy couple:)